Seb’s more complicated and complete BYF/DNI!


I am a ranfren enjoyer, so if u don’t like that just block me LOLOL i don’t care tbh.
I can be toxic at times in a joking manner.
I use tonetags loosely and sometimes don’t pick up on tone.
I sometimes will ghost people for a long period of time with no explanation. Don’t worry, I’ll (probably) come back!
I’m not as online as I used to be.


Don’t follow common DNI criteria.
Fake D.I.D, Tourette’s, Schizophrenia, etc..
enjoy DSMP stan in general.
Support Alfred’s Playhouse (I hate you LMAO).
Reupload stolen art.
Believe that whitewashing doesn’t exist.
Act “hypersexual” towards people (i hate you too HAHA).
Trauma dump on me???

Seb’s admittedly short trigger list…

Loud noises

Pls tag

Anything above
True crime cases with real images